Updated WCDP 2023 Program Released

Updated Draft Program – 15th November 2023
We are excited to release an updated draft program for World Conference on Drowning Prevention 2023.
As you can see, we have so many fantastic presentations across the full breadth of drowning prevention themes.
This version contains further plenary session details. Concurrent sessions have a full complement of speakers/papers.
All sessions remain interim and are subject to change. Please understand that your paper may be moved to an alternate session.
If you see spelling mistakes in your abstract title, please follow instructions and amend in the system.
Draft Program 6th October 2023
Online program
You can also review the program online by following this link, or by scanning the below QR CODE and visiting the public program.
Please note – the passcode will be provided to registered participants a week prior to the event.
Please proceed to the public program until the passcode is provided.