Closing Statement
The WCDP 2023 Conference Statement outlines a call for global strategy and mobilising local action. It also includes highlights from the plenary and concurrent sessions.
Thank you to the many delegates who had a role in drafting this statement, especially those who participated in the conference call-to-action activity.
The organisers would like to leave you with three main takeaways:
- Drowning prevention is multidisciplinary, multisectoral and bigger than any organisation or individual – seize opportunities to collaborate, grow, and continue to expand collective impact.
- Drowning prevention is increasingly an issue of equity, meaning the need for diverse voices is clear – prioritise those most affected, historically marginalised, and excluded; seek out different perspectives and work to create opportunities for new and inclusive forms of leadership.
- The drowning burden is disproportionately borne by those under 25 years of age – future drowning prevention efforts must place children, adolescents, and young people at the centre of decision making; include, listen, and centre youth in all aspects of drowning prevention.
In the time between now and WCDP2025, we encourage everyone to increase collaboration, create new knowledge, reach further into the communities most vulnerable to drowning, form new partnerships, especially with those not yet engaged in drowning prevention, and capitalise on this exciting time to be committed to eliminating drowning.