Second Call to submit Abstracts

The first call for abstracts period closed on 28 February 2023. At that point almost 450 Abstract submissions had been made. After reviewing the submissions, the WCDP 2023 Conference Programme Committee (CPC) issued acceptance decisions to all that were considered suitable for presentation at the Conference as either an oral or poster. All those appointed to present have until 30 April 2023 to accept their appointment by registering as a speaker/presenter delegate for WCDP 2023.

The WCDP 2023 CPC issued a second call for submission of abstracts for specific high-level themes, as well as inviting further submissions across the existing 11 themes. The closing date for all additional submissions has now closed. If you still wish to make an urgent submission, please contact to explain why you think it should still be accepted. 

Specific High-Level Themes

    1. High level stream on government’s role in drowning prevention – Theme S1

This is a call for abstracts to form part of a ‘Government drowning prevention policy’ stream. Abstracts presenting initiatives at national, sub-national and local government levels, including those addressing local water safety planning and resourcing, as well as water safety in boating sector issues are strongly encouraged. These submissions will contribute to a high-level panel on government’s role in drowning prevention. Priority will be given to abstracts submitted by government organisations. Note – please indicate (approval pending) if your abstract is contingent on internal approvals. You can also amend the abstract downstream.

    1. High level stream on emergency management and drowning preventionTheme S2

This is a call for abstracts to form part of an ‘Emergency management and drowning prevention policy’ stream. Abstracts presenting initiatives addressing emergency management including cross agency partnerships, communications and asset mobilisation are strongly encouraged. These submissions will contribute to a high-level panel on emergency management and drowning prevention. Priority will be given to abstracts submitted by emergency management organisations. Note – please indicate (approval pending) if your abstract is contingent on internal approvals. You can also amend the abstract downstream.

    1. Drowning prevention in low and middle-income countries – Theme S3

This is a call for drowning prevention research, policy or programs with a focus on low and middle-income countries. Priority will be given to papers and posters by LMIC authors and presenters.

             4. All existing WCDP 2023 themes

The WCDP 2023 CPC will review and accept additional abstracts across all existing streams, and will select submissions where they address gaps in the current program. 

Submitters are reminded that there is a restriction on the number of presentations that any one person can make at WCDP 2023 – the limit is 3 of which a maximum of 2 may be oral presentations. When submitting any additional submissions, this restriction must be borne in mind.

If you have already submitted an abstract on any of the S1, S2 or S3 topics, it does not need to be resubmitted. Similarly if you already have had an abstract from the first call in one of the original 11 themes accepted for either oral or poster presentation, this also does not need to be resubmitted

Please read the information below and the WCDP 2023 Abstract Guidance.

Accessing the Abstract Submission Form

The only way you can submit an Abstract is through the link by Oxford Abstracts. As the submission period has now closed you need to apply by email to for a link to submit.

No other method is allowed or available.